Monday, February 25, 2008

It's only Monday!

It's monday, prob my least favorite day of the week. I just woke up from a nap. I fell asleep with my feet up on my desk! It was great. Now I'm just sittin here stalking everyone i know on facebook. Facebook can only keep me entertained for so long. I came in early today so I could get some work done (i should have finished it on friday) and now that it's done I'm bored. Of course I have other work I should be doing but o well, I'll wait til the last minute to get that work done too! hahaha! My weekend was just a typical weekend. Went skiing on Saturday. It was nice and sunny out. The warmest skiing day of the season for me so far! Sat night i went out to dinner and saw Step Up 2. Wow, not a good movie (not that I was expecting it too be good). Sunday morning i was lazy and then went to church, took Bailey to the park, and then made London Broil for dinner! I love london broil. Then I watched a little bit of the awards show but only saw maybe 2 of the movie nominated so kind of boring. That's about it. Now I'm just sitting here at work checking gmail, facebook, my bank account, craigslist, and airlines every 10 minutes cause i don;t feel like doing anything. oooooooohhhhhhhhhh mondays... they kill me! I can't wait for friday, just cause, it's friday!

Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday!

It's friday and I'm so excited for this weekend. I can't wait to clean my room. Just kiddin! Anyway, I try to keep up with the blogging queen (rory) but that's pretty much impossible. Anyway, i have BIG plans for this weekend. I am going boarding/skiing tomorrow, then i'm cleaning my room. I know, Utah is so much fun! haha! Bailey is doing great! He got the big snip snip last week and that went well. He now is on facebook so feel free to friend him! haha. Hopefully when I move (not til April) i'll be able to put some pics up pf my new place. I'm pretty exxcited to move. I can't wait to decorate my house. But anyway, I know my blogs are so much fun to read. So i'll leave you wanting more! Peace out!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Stupid Question and Answer thing

I'm bored at work and need a break so I'm filling this out. A) Four jobs I have had in my life 1. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled 2. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled 3. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled 4. LANDesk B) Four movies I could watch over and over 1. Green Mile 2. Shawshank Redemption 3. Lord of the Rings (all three) 4. The Wedding Date C) Four Places I have lived 1. PA 2. Bloomsburg 3. Provo Utah 4. D) Four shows that I watch 1. Greys 2. Big Shots 3. October Road 4. Desperate Housewives E) Four places I have been 1. South Africa 2. France, Austria, Germany 3. Caribbean 4. All over the US F) People who email me regularly 1. Co-workers (Rabina everyday) 2. Gayle 3. Mom 4. G) Four of my favorite foods 1. Fettuccine Alfredo 2. Steak 3. Spaghetti 4. Pizza H) Four places I would rather be right now 1. PA 2. On a Beach 3. Bloomsburg 4. In bed I) Four folks that I think will respond 1. Family? 2. 3. 4. J) Four things I am looking forward to in the next 12 months 1. Bloomsburg this weekend! 2. Going home 3. My family visiting me 4. Gettin back in shape K) Four goals for the New Year 1. Get in shape / diet 2. Read more books 3. Stop biting my nails 4. Go to grad school L) Four gifts I got for Christmas 1. Camera 2. Clothes 3. Helmet / Boarding stuff 4. shoes M) Four places I want to visit 1. Africa 2. Fiji 3. Washington State (DMB at the Gorge!) 4. New Zealand N) Four things you didn't know about me 1. I'm a hopeless romantic 2. I'm in love with my puppy! 3. I want to buy a house and a boat 4. I want to fall in love and have 10 kids O) Four things I wish I was better at 1. I wish I was smart like a computer geek (Klark) 2. not being so lazy 3. being nice to people 4. getting my work done and not waiting til the last minute to finish it P) Four things I can cook without a recipe 1. Spaghetti 2. Breakfast foods 3. Yellow Cake! 4. Pizza Q) Four musicians I really love 1. Dave 2. Rascal Flatts 3. My Chemical Romance 4. Wyclef R) Four of the best books I have ever read 1. Harry Potter Books 2. Blue Skies 3. Deception Point 4. Any trashy romance novel! I tag... Cheryl or Rory!