Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Yay! We made it home!
Dad, Bailey, and I made it home Saturday night!
We ended up leaving thursday night at 4:15 and arrived home Saturday night around 6:30! We made pretty good time considering we drove exactly 2298 miles! Bailey was such a good boy; we only stopped once on Saturday.
He LOVES his new PA home probably because the back yard is 5 times the size of the whole property in Utah! He hasn't jumped in the pool yet which is good; its only a matter of time. Duke came home today (our next door neighbors yellow lab), Bailey and Duke are going to have a blast playing together this summer!
Besides that, not much is new. I put up some new pictures.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Bailey and Killian!
Hiking up to Silver Lake! (May 3rd)
Since it was just Bailey and I this past weekend I decided to take him up for a hike. I found an easy hike up to Silver Lake online and saw that dogs were allowed so I decided that was where we were going to hike!
The beginning of the day was prob one of my best days in Utah. It was gorgeous out, around 65 and sun. A few clouds but I didn't mind a cloud every once in a while to cool us down! So we started our hike! Not knowing what to expect, I thought I would keep Bailey on the leash in the beginning. About 2 minutes later we had to cross a small stream (only about a foot deep) and to do so, I had to hop from rock to rock. For about 10 seconds I was thinking about how Bailey was going to get across then he made the decision for me. He decided he was going to run through it. So I quickly dropped the leash before he had the chance to pull me with him. After that his leash was off the rest of the day!
He's such a great dog; he would only let himself get 30 feet ahead or behind me before he would stop and wait or sprint to catch up!
So once we got to the top of the hike, we stopped for lunch! I had a ham and cheese sandwich on Rye bread which was sooooo good (I haven't had one of them in forever!)! Then we headed back down taking our time since it was so nice out. As we got to the bottom I opened my backpack to get Baileys leash and the car keys out. Then I freaked out. I lost the keys. I cried and freaked out a little more then decided to hike back up and look for them. It def wasn't fun hiking it the second time but even though Bailey was dead tired, he was still a trooper!
After hiking back up and down and not finding the keys, a nice older couple offered to drive Bailey and I home. Once home I got my set of spare keys and Parker drove me back up to get my car.
The hike was def a lot of fun! They day would have been perfect if I didn't loose the keys. However, it was still a good day and Bailey had fun! I didn't get to take as many pics as I wanted when I got to the bottom because I was freaking out about my keys but I did take some!
Miss everyone... hopefully see everyone soon!
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