Hey all! Just wanted to say hi! I had a great weekend so I thought I would fill you in...
Friday night I gave Bailey a bath (he's a big clean stud now!) and then we went into the canyon and had a bonfire! Bailey rolled around in the dirt with 2 boxers and a mountain dog/wolf all night. He had a blast.
Sat I woke up and was lazy so I watched Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring EXTENDED edition since I've never seen it! Then Dan, Roxy, Bailey and I went to the park to run around. After that we had a late afternoon bbq with all the boys!
I completed my lazy Saturday with Lord of the Rings, Two Towers Extended Edition.
Sunday morning I woke up and went to Snowbird with Dan; the weather was amazing again. I have a sunglasses tan and a red face again! (3rd weekend in a row!) Then we went to Elin's for a bbq was is always fun. I ended my Sunday night with Lord of the Rings, Return of the King Extended Edition!
Def a great weekend!
Miss everyone! I move next weekend! Can't wait!