Monday, August 18, 2008
Back to Work
Clearly I haven't blogged lately so here ya go!
July 2008- Pretty much hung out and did a whole lot of nothing. I did manage to get some drinking!
Now I'm at work. I got a job 3 weeks ago and so far I love it! I have my own office with a door and windows! It's pretty freaking nice!
But thats about it.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
McFatridge Doggy Day Care
The joke around here is that I should open a doggy day care in our back yard instead of finding a job. I'm not interested in either! haha! Anyway, our neighbors Pat and Mel (the owners of Duke) are dog sitting Charlie and Only Girl, their friends two choc labs! So now best friends Bailey and Duke have two more dogs to play with! Bailey is 11 months old and the other 3 are all around 2 years old but that doesn't both Bailey one bit! He's the instigator!
I added some pics of them swimming and playing this morning!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy June?
Hey all,
I haven't updated this in a while so I thought I would. Not much in new. By now most of you heard about Scotts accident. He's doing good. Healing faster then we expected so that is good.
I leave for the beach with all my old college friends on friday so that should be so much fun. Hopefully we'll manage to stay out of trouble!
I've been going through old pics and added TONS of pics to my pics site. All my older pics from Africa are up (warning: i was out of the country so don't judge by some of my actions in those pictures)!
Also added some pics from this past week/weekend. Rory's dog Sirius was up for the week and Uncle Donny brough his two doberman over for fathers day! We are thinking about running a doggy daycare out of our back yard! Just kidding but somedays it feel like we are a kennel!
Anyway, not much is new. I managed to put of cleaning my room and unpacking another week so I'm trying to finish that up today!
Have fun!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Dogs run the house!
Clearly the dogs run the McFatridge house. Instead of Dad working on the pool, hanging up the new TV outback, or building moms walkway, he puts a gate in for Bailey. Not Duke and Bailey have 2 yards to run freely in!
I added pics of all the dogs and the new gate.
*Notice the size of Bailey and Finley's Kongs.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Yay! We made it home!
Dad, Bailey, and I made it home Saturday night!
We ended up leaving thursday night at 4:15 and arrived home Saturday night around 6:30! We made pretty good time considering we drove exactly 2298 miles! Bailey was such a good boy; we only stopped once on Saturday.
He LOVES his new PA home probably because the back yard is 5 times the size of the whole property in Utah! He hasn't jumped in the pool yet which is good; its only a matter of time. Duke came home today (our next door neighbors yellow lab), Bailey and Duke are going to have a blast playing together this summer!
Besides that, not much is new. I put up some new pictures.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Bailey and Killian!
Hiking up to Silver Lake! (May 3rd)
Since it was just Bailey and I this past weekend I decided to take him up for a hike. I found an easy hike up to Silver Lake online and saw that dogs were allowed so I decided that was where we were going to hike!
The beginning of the day was prob one of my best days in Utah. It was gorgeous out, around 65 and sun. A few clouds but I didn't mind a cloud every once in a while to cool us down! So we started our hike! Not knowing what to expect, I thought I would keep Bailey on the leash in the beginning. About 2 minutes later we had to cross a small stream (only about a foot deep) and to do so, I had to hop from rock to rock. For about 10 seconds I was thinking about how Bailey was going to get across then he made the decision for me. He decided he was going to run through it. So I quickly dropped the leash before he had the chance to pull me with him. After that his leash was off the rest of the day!
He's such a great dog; he would only let himself get 30 feet ahead or behind me before he would stop and wait or sprint to catch up!
So once we got to the top of the hike, we stopped for lunch! I had a ham and cheese sandwich on Rye bread which was sooooo good (I haven't had one of them in forever!)! Then we headed back down taking our time since it was so nice out. As we got to the bottom I opened my backpack to get Baileys leash and the car keys out. Then I freaked out. I lost the keys. I cried and freaked out a little more then decided to hike back up and look for them. It def wasn't fun hiking it the second time but even though Bailey was dead tired, he was still a trooper!
After hiking back up and down and not finding the keys, a nice older couple offered to drive Bailey and I home. Once home I got my set of spare keys and Parker drove me back up to get my car.
The hike was def a lot of fun! They day would have been perfect if I didn't loose the keys. However, it was still a good day and Bailey had fun! I didn't get to take as many pics as I wanted when I got to the bottom because I was freaking out about my keys but I did take some!
Miss everyone... hopefully see everyone soon!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday April 28th

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday April 24
Just wanted to say hi! I want some visitors! We just got 8 inches or snow and there's still more coming today, tomorrow, and Saturday!
Anyway, not much is new. I'm moving but I'm not sure where I'm moving into yet!
Bailey is great! I love him to death! He's such a good dog! He's still getting bigger which I love! He's not a full time swimmer yet but we're working on it!
Anyway, hope all is well. Miss you all!
LOVE Ally!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Babysitting Roxy!
Last night I was babysitting (puppy-sitting) Roxy, Matt's little female Pit bull. She's so freaking cute! Of course Bailey had a blast with his new bff/girlfriend!
Bailey is now 9 months (he's getting so old! haha)
Roxy is 9 weeks!
I added pics....
Monday, April 14, 2008
You can't beat skiing in April!
This past weekend I went to Snowbird on Sat and Sun. Saturday it was perfect. I had on a light jacket and goggles and the snow was perfect. We bombed runs all day. It was the first time this year that I bombed runs from the top of Snowbird to the bottom. Sunday was even warmer which wasn't as good. I wore a long sleeve shirt and sunglasses BUT the snow was extremely soft. Good news is that it's gonna get a little chillier and it's supposed to snow a little more this week.
O yea, did i mention that is was in the 60-70's this weekend. Yea, it was pretty freaking nice out, not a cloud in the sky!
I drove to and from Snowbird with the top down!
Also, on our way home Sunday afternoon, we stopped at Wendy's cause we were starving and ran into the Bikers Against Child Abuse (see pictures). The were dressed like bikers. There were 20 of them in leather and chaps! It was a sight to see!
I put up some more pics!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Family Visit to Utah!
FYI - I uploaded my pics from this past weekend!
Mom also put hers up!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
Here's the list you've all been waiting for.... My BIRTHDAY List!
I must say, this is my shortest list EVER... and maybe the most practical price wise!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wed March 26th!
Only 1 weeks and 2 days til my birthday but who's counting! haha! But for real, ONLY ONE MORE WEEK til mom, dad, gma, and gpa come out! I'm pumped. And then Amy and Joe! It def should be fun. I'm def a little bummed about Rory and Scott but that just means that they'll have to come visit in May or June.
Anyway, not much is new, it's only wednesday and it's been a long week at work 35.5 hours already but o well, it can't hurt!
Bailey is so freaking cute. Of course he missed me this weekend so every night when I'm sleeping, he makes sure to sleep right next to me with his face an inch away from mine! haha, I love it though!
I'm trying to think what else but that's about it for now!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St Patty's Day!
So Dad turns 50 tomorrow! Yay! That's a big birthday!
Anyway, Happy St Patty's Day to everyone.
I had a great weekend. Friday night I just hung out, Saturday I went to Snowbird. Chase and Abe went also but we drove separately. It was my first day this year skiing by myself which was soooooooooo nice! We got about 25 - 30 inches of snow between thursday and sunday so the snow was great. The bad part was the temperatures, they were back down in the teens but o well, it was still fun! Sunday I had a relaxing day, I laid in bed an read my book, did some laundry, spent the whole day with Bailey! So it was a good day.
Now I'm just waiting for the family to get out here in two weeks! I cant wait! I'm waiting to her from Scott that he quit his job and is coming out again! But I don't think that will happen so o well. I'm also waiting to hear if Rory can come out! I hope so!
But anyway, this might be the first st patty's day that i didn't have a drink... Kind of crazy! But it's good!
Anyway, nothing else is really new! Bloomsburg has their first PSAC lax game this wednesday, the're playin ESU so no big deal!
But that's about it!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Rough Life I Live
Friday, March 7, 2008
How bout it!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Mom comes out today! Yay! I'm pretty excited even though I have no plans whatsoever.
I'm still looking for apt/houses to move in to. I have to move in April. I can't wait to move cause I want to decorate!
Bailey is great. He's on facebook now! hahaha. But he is seriously a such a great dog. I can't wait til mom sees him today!
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's only Monday!
It's monday, prob my least favorite day of the week. I just woke up from a nap. I fell asleep with my feet up on my desk! It was great. Now I'm just sittin here stalking everyone i know on facebook. Facebook can only keep me entertained for so long. I came in early today so I could get some work done (i should have finished it on friday) and now that it's done I'm bored. Of course I have other work I should be doing but o well, I'll wait til the last minute to get that work done too! hahaha! My weekend was just a typical weekend. Went skiing on Saturday. It was nice and sunny out. The warmest skiing day of the season for me so far! Sat night i went out to dinner and saw Step Up 2. Wow, not a good movie (not that I was expecting it too be good). Sunday morning i was lazy and then went to church, took Bailey to the park, and then made London Broil for dinner! I love london broil. Then I watched a little bit of the awards show but only saw maybe 2 of the movie nominated so kind of boring. That's about it. Now I'm just sitting here at work checking gmail, facebook, my bank account, craigslist, and airlines every 10 minutes cause i don;t feel like doing anything.
oooooooohhhhhhhhhh mondays... they kill me!
I can't wait for friday, just cause, it's friday!
Friday, February 22, 2008
It's Friday!
It's friday and I'm so excited for this weekend. I can't wait to clean my room. Just kiddin!
Anyway, I try to keep up with the blogging queen (rory) but that's pretty much impossible.
Anyway, i have BIG plans for this weekend. I am going boarding/skiing tomorrow, then i'm cleaning my room. I know, Utah is so much fun! haha!
Bailey is doing great! He got the big snip snip last week and that went well. He now is on facebook so feel free to friend him! haha.
Hopefully when I move (not til April) i'll be able to put some pics up pf my new place. I'm pretty exxcited to move. I can't wait to decorate my house.
But anyway, I know my blogs are so much fun to read. So i'll leave you wanting more!
Peace out!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Stupid Question and Answer thing
I'm bored at work and need a break so I'm filling this out.
A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled
2. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled
3. ha ha ha... I'm spoiled
4. LANDesk
B) Four movies I could watch over and over
1. Green Mile
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Lord of the Rings (all three)
4. The Wedding Date
C) Four Places I have lived
1. PA
2. Bloomsburg
3. Provo Utah
D) Four shows that I watch
1. Greys
2. Big Shots
3. October Road
4. Desperate Housewives
E) Four places I have been
1. South Africa
2. France, Austria, Germany
3. Caribbean
4. All over the US
F) People who email me regularly
1. Co-workers (Rabina everyday)
2. Gayle
3. Mom
G) Four of my favorite foods
1. Fettuccine Alfredo
2. Steak
3. Spaghetti
4. Pizza
H) Four places I would rather be right now
1. PA
2. On a Beach
3. Bloomsburg
4. In bed
I) Four folks that I think will respond
1. Family?
J) Four things I am looking forward to in the next 12 months
1. Bloomsburg this weekend!
2. Going home
3. My family visiting me
4. Gettin back in shape
K) Four goals for the New Year
1. Get in shape / diet
2. Read more books
3. Stop biting my nails
4. Go to grad school
L) Four gifts I got for Christmas
1. Camera
2. Clothes
3. Helmet / Boarding stuff
4. shoes
M) Four places I want to visit
1. Africa
2. Fiji
3. Washington State (DMB at the Gorge!)
4. New Zealand
N) Four things you didn't know about me
1. I'm a hopeless romantic
2. I'm in love with my puppy!
3. I want to buy a house and a boat
4. I want to fall in love and have 10 kids
O) Four things I wish I was better at
1. I wish I was smart like a computer geek (Klark)
2. not being so lazy
3. being nice to people
4. getting my work done and not waiting til the last minute to finish it
P) Four things I can cook without a recipe
1. Spaghetti
2. Breakfast foods
3. Yellow Cake!
4. Pizza
Q) Four musicians I really love
1. Dave
2. Rascal Flatts
3. My Chemical Romance
4. Wyclef
R) Four of the best books I have ever read
1. Harry Potter Books
2. Blue Skies
3. Deception Point
4. Any trashy romance novel!
I tag... Cheryl or Rory!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Last Day of Jan!
Scott and Raymond got out here yesterday. This morning I went to work late and went skiing with them. It was the best day of skiing in Utah so far! I'll put pics up later. I can't wait to go again tomorrow!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Richardson's Visit
I went to the Olympic Oval the other day for Mika's hockey game. It was pretty cool. Saturday I went up to Park City with the Richardson's and Bill and Gayle. It was fun, no movie stars though. I bought a new sweat shirt! I love the feeling of new sweat shirts. But anyway, yesterday we went to the Bird. It was a good day! I can't wait til Scott comes out (this wednesday!) It should be a lot of fun!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy MLK Day!
First I would like to thank LANDesk for giving me the day off to celebrate MLK! hahaha... suckers!
Anyway, today we woke up to go to snowbird around 7 and there was 4 inches of snow on the ground. We checked Snowbirds website and the road was closed and then checked again at 9 and it was open! So we got in the car and off we went. Of course being in Utah (and it snowing) people were driving 20 mph and it took us forever to get there. But we finally got to Snowbird and starting skiing and boarding. Then came my best run of the day!!! First a little punk who didn't know how to snow board came crashing down the mountain and almost took me out (he ran over the back of my skis that's how close he was!) Then about 50 yards down on the same run the same little punk took me out (caught me at the back of my knees!) And then I watched the little punk go down just to make sure he didn't take me out again. So then i started going down, towards the bottom of this one run you have to pick up speed to get up at small hill so I starting going down (it's was snowing pretty good and the visibility sucked) and all of a sudden (while trying to pick up speed) I went through 20 inches of powder and my skis stopped and my body kept going! I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. I completely did a front flip and was buried in 20 inches of snow. My skis stayed on BUT they were sticking straight up. It was the funniest thing in the world. It's one of those stories where you had to be there but it was def so funny! Anyway, I wiggled my skis loose and finally got up but it was def so funny I had to write about it!
Anyway, miss everyone at home. Can't wait to see everyone, I'll see Scott in a week!!!
LOVE ~ Ally
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's only Wednesdsay
It's Wednesday but I wish it was friday. I'm tired and of course I have no motivation to do any work. Today's been boring today. Joe, Klark, and I were going to go boarding tomorrow but Klarks gay and is bailing on us. (Also, cause I have a lot of work to do but I'll blame it on Klark cause he's not really that cool!) But anyway, I really wanted to go home to PA this weekend but I should have thought about it earlier cause the flights are $450 right now and I don't feel like spending money on a flight. I think I'm just gonna go boarding this weekend (if I go boarding, I don't have to go to the gym!) But anyway, it's def time to go home.
Have fun!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Blah Blah Blah
Weekly blog so I can put a check in the column on my goal sheet!
My goals are going great! Klark is proud of me! hahaha.
I'm officially hired. yay! I wish I was making the big bucks like Klark but not yet.
I got my Sperry's this week. Hopefully my camera and everything else get here today or tomorrow.
Tomorrow I am going boarding all day and then we're having a girls night! I'm excited!
That's all for now....
Only 2 1/2 weeks til Scott comes out!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Ally Mac's Goals for 2008
Today Klark Q. Cannon made me a list of goals. One of them is to write a blog every week. Here is week one. Go Team McFatridge!
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